Month: February 2016

Florida Prepaid open enrollment runs through February 29

Open enrollment for the Florida Prepaid College Plan ends Feb. 29. Both the Florida Prepaid Plan and the Florida Investment Plan (a 529 plan) offer affordable ways to save for your children’s future college expenses.

Double deductions for state plans begin

To ensure coverage for state health, life and supplemental insurance continues during the summer without a break in service, double deductions will be collected from nine-month and ten-month employees’ paychecks beginning with the Feb. 5 paycheck and continuing through May 13.

Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion Workshops for Faculty

Workshops have been scheduled to discuss the preparation of tenure and promotion packets and the University evaluation process for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Share your story as a human book in UF’s Human Library

Human Libraries are held throughout the world, often on college campuses, where human “books” and “readers” engage in personal dialogue about their experiences in order to foster understanding, reduce prejudice and celebrate diversity within our communities.

Dave Kratzer—A lifetime of service, a legacy of lives touched

As the doors open to the J. Wayne Reitz Union this week, you can almost hear a collective sigh of relief and sense an undercurrent of excitement rippling through campus. For Dave Kratzer, UF vice president for student affairs, it’s the culmination of a dream that began 30 years ago as he sat in a hotel room after interviewing for the position of the director of UF’s student union, sketching how the building might one day look.

Baby Gator “Building the Love” annual fundraiser is Feb. 6

Baby Gator’s 4th Annual Building the Love Fundraiser will be held Saturday, Feb. 6, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the University House.

Spotlight on Leadership: The Multitasking Mirage

Are you doing more than one thing right now? Are you reading this article while also checking your email, texting a colleague, surfing the web on your phone, working on a report or playing a computer game? Do you pride yourself on being “a great multitasker?”

Be warned. A growing body of research shows that multitasking actually decreases productivity, impairs your cognitive ability, increases your stress and diminishes your creativity.

Engineering Leadership Institute teams up with C200 for annual summit

The Engineering Leadership Institute at the University of Florida hosts an annual summit to connect UF’s engineering alumni, faculty and students with world-renowned thought leaders—inspiring new ways of approaching and solving problems.

CFO Update: February

This month’s updates include: IRS IP PIN Program, PrintSmart toner scam and PCard Chip N Pin.

Recent rulings impact application of veterans’ preference

The Florida Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) recently made some rulings that may have some impact on the way veteran preference is applied by public employers. PERC is instituted by Florida statute to resolve employment disputes on behalf of public employees. This includes veteran preference.

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