Month: August 2017

Enhance your tech skills for free with

Need to improve your skills or learn a new software package for your current position? is an online training program provided free to all faculty and staff with valid GatorLink credentials.

Boost your productivity at work

Research suggests taking breaks at work can have a positive impact on how you feel and perform at work, so why not make the effort to use your break time to its fullest? Join one or both of the programs below to bring more energy to your day.

Benefits payroll deductions resume for nine- and ten-month employees

Normal payroll deductions for health, life, optional and supplemental insurance for state and UF plans will resume with the Sept. 1 paycheck to align with the nine- and ten- month appointment pay cycle.

Traveling overseas? Get your passport from UF Mail and Document Services!

As a Passport Acceptance Facility for the U.S. Department of State, Mail and Document Services offers passport books and passport cards. Currently, processing time for passports is six weeks with expedited service in three weeks.

UF All Access textbook program provides first-day access to course materials

UF’s All Access textbook program continues to expand for Fall 2017, with nearly 100 courses participating across the university. The program has saved students $5 million since it was created in 2013.

First release of UF COMPASS introduces changes to admissions, student records and data

The first release of UF COMPASS (the Campus-wide Modernization Program to Advance Student Services) will go live Aug. 7, introducing changes to business processes tied to admissions, student records and the maintenance of registry and biographical/demographic data (citizenship, visa and ethnicity).

Annual training program addresses university-generated “unrelated business income”

Does your department sell goods or advertising, provide services, and/or rent equipment or space to students, alumni or the public? These are some of the most common activities that can generate unrelated business income for UF.   Conducting these activities may require annual reporting and potential taxation of the income generated.

UF Employee Education Program accepting applications for the fall semester

Available to eligible UF faculty and staff, this popular program provides tuition assistance for up to six credit hours of eligible college-level courses per semester.

Tuition Exchange Scholarship Program offers possibility of more affordable higher education

The Tuition Exchange Scholarship Program (TEP) provides the opportunity for dependent children of the University of Florida’s full-time employees (excluding OPS employees) to attend a participating Tuition Exchange college or university at a significant tuition reduction rate. The TEP scholarship application deadline is October 31.

GatorGradCare enrollment deadline is Sept. 14

Graduate assistants, teaching assistants and research assistants appointed .25 FTE or greater may participate in GatorGradCare health insurance. Please note that GatorGradCare enrollment is not automatic; all eligible participants, including returning students previously enrolled, must submit a 2017-2018 enrollment to participate in the plan.

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