Is your UF online content accessible?
Do you create Word docs and PDFs that end up online? You may think of ADA and accessibility laws as relating to only physical spaces—ensuring that those who utilize devices for mobility can access buildings. But federal ADA compliance covers much more, including the ability to read all online documentation needed for university success.
Faculty and staff who create documents that may end up on the web are encouraged to enroll in the free Accessible Online Environments course, available in e-Learning. Accessible Online Environments provides an excellent overview on how online content components can present problems for learners with vision, hearing, cognitive, or motor impairments.
This UFIT-developed accessibility course includes eight easy-to-use modules. The intro videos for all eight modules combined total just under 19 minutes in length and serve as a solid overview to anyone (e.g., administrative staff, instructors, web content managers) who develops documents and videos that might end up online. The course contains several resources to help users implement accessible fonts, colors, headings, and alt text. To register, log in to e-Learning and search for Accessible Online Environments.
The University of Florida is committed to ensuring all of its electronic information technology resources are ADA-compliant. UFIT’s Center for Instructional Technology & Training (CITT) has additional tools for instructors wanting to improve their accessibility in the online classroom skills. Anyone with questions about these resources may contact Instructional Design Manager Stephanie McClelland. For general inquiries about disability services at UF, please contact the Disability Resource Center.