Category: Campus Climate

Is your UF online content accessible?

Do you create Word docs and PDFs that end up online? You may think of ADA and accessibility laws as relating to only physical spaces—ensuring that those who utilize devices for mobility can access buildings. But federal ADA compliance covers much more, including the ability to read all online documentation needed for university success.

Eleventh Annual Equity & Diversity Conference to be held Nov. 3

The 11th annual Equity & Diversity Conference will begin addressing some relevant issues identified in the recent Campus Climate Survey including: intimidation and bullying, recognizing unconscious biases, and how to have open discussions about differences.

Discussions of climate survey results to continue in August

On June 14, the University of Florida released the results of the Faculty and Staff Climate Survey conducted in the fall of 2015. Town hall meetings led by Sue Rankin of Rankin & Associates, the consulting firm engaged to coordinate the survey, were held to discuss high-level summaries of the findings from a university-wide perspective. A report of the findings may also now be found on the survey website.

UF Pulse commemoration ceremony emphasized solidarity and unity

To honor the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, UF hosted a commemoration and unity ceremony on the evening of June 28. Hundreds of people gathered at the Century Tower, which was illuminated in rainbow colors as a beacon of solidarity.

Faculty and Staff Climate Survey results to be released in June

Designed to help determine how well the university fosters an overall sense of belonging for its faculty and staff, the UF Faculty and Staff Climate Survey was available for completion from Oct. 27 through Nov. 27 of 2015. In June, a representative from Rankin & Associates — the consulting firm engaged to coordinate the survey — will be on campus to discuss high-level summaries of the findings from a university-wide perspective.

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