Category: Feature
UFCJC receives $8 million gift to strengthen its support for state and local journalism

As part of its commitment to bolstering state and local journalism, the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) announced that Nathan S. Collier, founder and chairman of The Collier Companies, has gifted $8 million to the College to sustain the Collier Prize for State Government Accountability and create a new local journalism symposium. It is the largest gift in UFCJC’s history.
Astrobiologist Amy Williams shows young women in STEM that the sky is the limit

Lying in the bed of her parents’ pickup truck in 1990s South Carolina, marveling at meteor showers across the night sky, a grade-school Amy Williams would often wonder: “Is there another variety of little girl out there, looking back and wondering if she’s also alone in the universe?”
Today, Williams, Ph.D., dedicates her life to exploring that childhood question, as an astrobiologist and assistant geology professor at the University of Florida. Her groundbreaking research, examining signs of ancient life on Mars, has already brought her closer to an answer.
Upcoming series to support those who provide care for others

Whether taking care of an older relative or a child with health conditions, the responsibilities of a caregiver can take a toll on their well-being. To assist faculty and staff who fulfill the role of a caregiver, we have scheduled a series of webinars throughout the month of March that tackle topics such as self-care, must-have legal documents, the Family Medical Leave Act and more.
Read on to explore and register for upcoming webinars.
Win Phillips, longtime UF leader, dies at 83

Win Phillips, a longtime UF leader known for his depth of knowledge of the university, versatility and thoughtful advice to the many people who sought it, died Saturday. He was 83.
Phillips, who arrived at UF in 1988 as dean of engineering, served in several different leadership positions before retiring in June. He was highly regarded for his proficiency as a generalist, able to take the reins and push forward whatever he was overseeing, while always focusing on the greater UF and its rise as a top public university.
Explore summer camps and spring break programs

Find the right summer camp or spring-break activity for your school-aged children. From UF camps to Gainesville-area athletic, academic, fine arts camps and more, we invite you to explore our Summer Camps Directory that lists camps throughout the Alachua County area. A handful of camps scheduled around spring break are also listed.
It’s not too early to start making plans for summer!

Get a head start with your summer plans — join us this Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Reitz Union tabling area, outside the north entrance to the first floor, to meet representatives from area youth summer camps and to learn about UF’s year-round GatorPerks program.
No registration is required. You can plan ahead by viewing the floor layout and visiting our website for the full list of participating camps and businesses.
Stand Up & Holler: It’s Gator Nation Giving Day!

Gator Nation Giving Day is a 24-hour fundraising event, calling on all UF alumni, students, faculty, staff, families and friends to come together to support UF and all its areas of positive impact in our state, nation and world. Today, Gators everywhere are invited to, once again, stand up for UF by making a gift of any size to the college, unit, research area or program that means the most to you.
Interdisciplinary AI research opportunities town hall Feb. 19

With one of the nation’s most powerful AI supercomputers and a cadre of information technology experts, UF researchers are well positioned to tackle big interdisciplinary projects that would have been nearly impossible 10 years ago.
Faculty are invited to participate in a town hall on Feb. 19 at 10:30 a.m. in Smathers 100 to discuss potential projects and possibilities for institutional support.
Can we create molecules of life?

Basic biology textbooks will tell you that all life on Earth is built from four types of molecules: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. And each group is vital for every living organism.
But what if humans could actually show that these “molecules of life,” such as amino acids and DNA bases, can be formed naturally in the right environment? Researchers at the University of Florida are using the HiPerGator – the fastest supercomputer in U.S. higher education – to test this experiment.
Explore ways to add to your retirement savings

With tax season upon us, now is a great time to review your savings plans to ensure you’re maximizing your contributions. In addition to the mandatory state retirement plans offered — including the voluntary State of Florida Deferred Compensation Plan, or 457(b) — as a UF employee you may also participate in a voluntary 403(b) plan to supplement your retirement via payroll deductions.
Both the 403(b) and 457(b) plans are voluntary savings plans available to faculty, TEAMS, USPS and OPS employees — including housestaff/residents, graduate assistants, postdocs and adjunct faculty. Read on for a breakdown of each plan.
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