Category: Research
Opinion: AI will improve farming, create careers and put better food on your table

J. Scott Angle, Ph.D., senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources and UF/IFAS leader, gives an inside look at the future of farming.
Explore tools to help your family get more physical activity

Join a 12-week research study with the College of Health and Human Performance to test an app with tools designed to increase your family’s physical activity.
Read the latest issue of Ytori

UF CLAS has published the Fall/Winter issue of the Ytori magazine. Read on to explore the power of imagination and its role in our journey to the stars.
Grocery store display changes could cut food waste and boost profits

New UF research suggests supermarkets could significantly reduce food waste and increase their profits through smarter product display and pricing strategies.
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and Florida universities unite to propel space exploration

NASA’s Kennedy Space Center has partnered with three Florida universities to receive research and development support for NASA’s Moon to Mars Initiative.
Researchers explore breakthrough approach to combat devastating citrus greening disease

While the genetically edited tree has only been tested so far in the lab and the greenhouse, it is one of the most promising discoveries to date.
UF study: Runners who wear these shoes are more likely to get injured

Runners wearing thick-heeled sneakers were more likely to get injured than those wearing flatter shoes, according to a recent UF study.
UF researchers to study pain, with help from horses

UF researchers are teaming up to better understand how the level of pain felt by patients relates to the level of joint degeneration present in osteoarthritis.
UF researchers go nano to ease osteoarthritis

Equipped with cutting-edge nanoparticle imaging technology and federal funds, UF researchers are working to revolutionize osteoarthritis treatments.
Florida researchers advance rehabilitation science

Casual talks can lead to major breakthroughs in health care — like finding new ways for patients with spinal cord injuries to breathe and live better.
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