Category: Research

Brain stimulation treatment may improve depression, anxiety in older adults

A noninvasive brain stimulation treatment improved depression and anxiety symptoms among older adults in a new UF PHHP-led study.

Yikes! Uncovering what directs the brain’s fear conditioning

Our brains remember frightening situations to keep us safe in the future. A team led by neuroscientists at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology has discovered a key molecular player in fear conditioning.

UF team puts science over stigma to stop the spread of Hansen’s disease

UF’s Hansen’s disease team is helping shed light on the disease’s prevalence in Florida through the study of roadkill armadillos.

Matthew Disney is leading a revolution in drug discovery

Chemist Matthew Disney’s, Ph.D., methods and discoveries have changed minds, igniting a global race to treat incurable diseases via their RNA.

Wertheim UF Scripps scientist uncovers brain cell biology

Ezgi Hacisuleyman, Ph.D., is inventing new ways to document changes to neurons before and after they fire, discovering new facts about learning in the process.

Wayne Wanta receives award for excellence in research

UF College of Journalism and Communications journalism professor emeritus receives 2024 AEJMC Paul J. Deutschmann Award for Excellence in Research.

Making advances in space engineering

UF has launched the Space Mission Institute, an interdisciplinary hub bringing together researchers to imagine the future of space exploration.

Susan Percival and the power of inspiration

Susan Percival, Ph.D., kept a letter of thanks as inspiration throughout her career in research, teaching, leadership and mentorship.

Become a better leader by reflecting on gratitude received from family

New UF research shows that leaders who take the time to reflect on receiving gratitude from family members can enhance their leadership effectiveness.

UF-led study could lead to new way to detect brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s risk

New UF research suggests a link between abnormal blood levels of amyloid — a protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease — and subtle changes in brain microstructures on a type of MRI, findings that could lead to a new way to detect Alzheimer’s earlier in people with no clinical signs.

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