Category: Spotlight

Dave Kratzer—A lifetime of service, a legacy of lives touched

As the doors open to the J. Wayne Reitz Union this week, you can almost hear a collective sigh of relief and sense an undercurrent of excitement rippling through campus. For Dave Kratzer, UF vice president for student affairs, it’s the culmination of a dream that began 30 years ago as he sat in a hotel room after interviewing for the position of the director of UF’s student union, sketching how the building might one day look.

Baby Gator “Building the Love” annual fundraiser is Feb. 6

Baby Gator’s 4th Annual Building the Love Fundraiser will be held Saturday, Feb. 6, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the University House.

Spotlight on Leadership: The Multitasking Mirage

Are you doing more than one thing right now? Are you reading this article while also checking your email, texting a colleague, surfing the web on your phone, working on a report or playing a computer game? Do you pride yourself on being “a great multitasker?”

Be warned. A growing body of research shows that multitasking actually decreases productivity, impairs your cognitive ability, increases your stress and diminishes your creativity.

Engineering Leadership Institute teams up with C200 for annual summit

The Engineering Leadership Institute at the University of Florida hosts an annual summit to connect UF’s engineering alumni, faculty and students with world-renowned thought leaders—inspiring new ways of approaching and solving problems.

Campus Spotlight: Ted Spiker

If you’re not sold on the theory that slow and steady wins the race, Ted Spiker can prove to you that it will get you to the finish line with 20 minutes to spare.

Just two years ago, Spiker, professor and chair of UF’s Department of Journalism, persistently chugged his way to finish his first Ironman triathlon after just one year of training and preparation. A seasoned journalist who has covered health and wellness topics for nearly 20 years, Spiker’s college nickname was Hoover, and he describes himself as having “a body history that isn’t pretty.”

Spotlight on Leadership: Coaching

Coaching lies at the heart of great leadership. When facing a difficult coaching conversation with a team member, however, many leaders feel uncertain and uncomfortable.

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