Category: Your Money

Health insurance options for early retirees

Register for a webinar on Feb. 6 at noon to explore health insurance options for people who retire before they are eligible for Medicare.

Explore ways to enhance your retirement savings  

With tax season upon us, now is a great time to review your voluntary savings plans to ensure you’re optimizing your contributions. In addition to the mandatory state retirement plans, you may participate in voluntary Fidelity 403(b) and 457(b) Florida Deferred Compensation plans to supplement your retirement income via payroll deductions. These plans are open to all UF employees and have no employer contribution. They also accept rollovers from other retirement plans.  

Read on for a breakdown of each plan or watch a video highlighting the differences between the plans and how to effectively save for retirement.

Help small businesses bounce back after break

Explore the GatorPerks discount program for savings at local businesses and beyond, and don’t forget to hit the town to find those hidden gems.

Make tax filing easy with upcoming webinar

Join UF/IFAS Family Consumer Sciences Agent Halie Corbit on Feb. 12 at noon for tips and tricks to make filing your taxes easy-peasy.

It’s tax time — be on the lookout for your W-2 and 1095-C forms 

By January 24, employees who provided their consent should be able to access Form W-2 in myUFL or the ONE.UF application.  

New year, new budget

Read this UF/IFAS article for tips and strategies to help you create your 2025 budget, and explore the Financial Literacy Series for on-demand resources.

Upcoming personal finance webinars

Learn how to manage credit card debt, about upcoming income tax updates and tax filing resources, and explore health insurance options for early retirees.

Verify your 2025 benefits elections 

Any changes you made during the annual open enrollment period will be reflected on your December and January paychecks.

Don’t miss the UF Bookstore’s and UPF’s upcoming sales

Enjoy 30% off clothing and gifts during the UF Bookstore’s annual Faculty & Staff Appreciation sale.

Final call for spring EEP applications

Visit the Employee Education Program (EEP) website for information on upcoming application, approval and registration deadlines.

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