August 13, 2020

Updated guidance for cleaning and disinfection of common areas

Spray bottleUF Health Screen, Test & Protect has provided updated guidance regarding best practices for cleaning and disinfecting labs, classrooms, common sitting areas, meal rooms and other community areas.

Unless a person with known or suspected COVID-19 has been in the area, no additional cleaning or sanitization measures are recommended. Routine cleaning is considered sufficient; however, Facilities Services has been advised to regularly clean common touchpoints, such as door handles, three times throughout the workday. Everyone continues to be encouraged to wash hands or use hand sanitizer after handling high-touch common-use areas.

Guidance for community areas when it has been documented and confirmed that a person with known or suspected COVID-19 has been present for 15 minutes or longer are also provided. To learn more, please visit the Screen, Test & Protect website.

Did you miss any of the recent town halls?

Last Thursday, UF Vice President D’Andra Mull was joined by several other UF leaders to discuss how we can all work together to provide a safer and healthier educational experience this fall. The event, attended by more than 600 faculty and staff, was the latest in a series of town halls and online sessions designed to answer questions and provide information about how the university is navigating pandemic concerns and preparing for the fall 2020 semester.

If you missed last Thursday’s event, you can view a recording via the video linked below. Recordings of other recently held events are also available on the Working through COVID-19 section of the UFHR website.

Town Hall Zoom Webinar

UF hits record $900 million in research awards

Chart of research awards topping $900mUniversity of Florida faculty earned a record $900.7 million in research funding in fiscal year 2020, despite many activities being paused for more than two months by the pandemic.

The total is a 16% increase over last year and surpasses the previous record of $837 million set two years ago by more than $63 million. Over the past 10 years, research awards to the university have increased 45% from $619 million in 2011.

“This $900 million milestone is a testament to the thousands of faculty members who are helping to change the world with their research and scholarship,” said David Norton, UF’s vice president for research.

Read the full UF News story.

Get to know Warrington’s new dean, Saby Mitra

On Aug. 1, the Warrington College of Business welcomed its new dean, Saby Mitra. As Dean Mitra leads Warrington into its future, you’re invited to get to know him professionally and personally through this brief series of questions about his academic career and personal interests.

How do you respond to behavior that makes you uncomfortable?

Uncomfortable looking woman worryingOn Aug. 19 at noon, tune into our Wellness Wednesday presentation, hosted by UF’s EAP provider ComPsych, on “Responding to Behavior That Makes You Feel Uncomfortable.” This webinar examines the nature of unwelcome behavior, as well as how and why we respond the way we do, and offers insights into how we can be prepared to effectively respond in the future when confronted with unwelcome behaviors.


Well at UF