June 10, 2020

Taking time to pause for reflection

Pen on notebookIn a message sent yesterday afternoon, President Fuchs encouraged faculty and staff to consider pausing our normal work activities to reflect on our personal actions and continue to educate ourselves about racism alongside other academic institutions throughout the country.

In his message, President Fuchs recommended two activities for consideration:

  • Shut Down for a Day, Build Better Tomorrows, happening today, June 10, seeks to ensure white and non-Black People of Color educate themselves and define an actionable plan for progress against anti-Black racism and for Black lives. This effort encourages faculty and staff to redirect their time, efforts and expertise away from their normal work activities toward these and related goals.
  • #Academics4BlackLives, June 19-25, is a personal and professional development initiative intended for academic faculty and staff to examine the toll of racial trauma on Black people, resist anti-Blackness and white supremacy, and seek both accountability and collective action for solutions. If you can only pick one day, #Academics4BlackLives encourages us to make it June 19.

The President encouraged those whose work responsibilities cannot be paused to set aside personal time to reflect on this critical issue.

Participation in some of these activities may be considered time worked if you are taking time to participate during your normal working hours. Please be sure to discuss how and when you may do so with your supervisor; supervisors are asked to encourage participation.

For example, if you want to participate, talk to your supervisor about whether your work can be paused in order to spend time on our university’s efforts in support of this initiative or whether you could take leave (full day or partial day) for time for reflection. The events that take place the week of June 19-25 can be considered time worked if they occur during your normal workday.

We can also choose to be more thoughtful and mindful throughout the day as we go about our normal workday. Regardless, the hope is that we all pause to reflect and educate ourselves.

In recent days, some UF colleagues have shared additional resources, including:

It you or your department have other resources or work that is underway that you would like to share with fellow faculty and staff, we invite you to email us at hrcommunications@hr.ufl.edu so we can include in future issues.

Healthcare workers invited to join HERO registry

Essential workers in health care are invited to join the HERO Registry and share your experiences working through the COVID-19 pandemic with researchers at the University of Florida and nationwide.

The HERO Registry, formally called the Healthcare Worker Exposure Response & Outcomes (HERO) Registry, collects information from essential workers in health care to better understand the impact that COVID-19 has on you, your colleagues, family and friends.

HERO registryThe HERO Registry is open to anyone who works in a health care setting, including:

  • Nurses
  • Therapists
  • Physicians
  • Emergency responders
  • Food service workers
  • Environmental service workers
  • Facility personnel
  • Interpreters
  • Long-term care facility workers
  • Transporters
  • And other clinical and non-clinical personnel

All experiences are critical to understanding the real-life impact of the pandemic.

Participation in HERO is entirely voluntary and there is no cost to join. It takes only a few minutes to sign up online. To register and learn more about HERO, please visit the UF Health website.

After joining the registry, you will receive surveys, opportunities to participate in future studies and learnings from the HERO research community. You can participate as much or as little as you like. The registry will follow a protocol and data guidelines to keep your information secure.

If you have any questions about the HERO Registry, please email our study team at the University of Florida at HERO-STUDY-TEAM@ufl.edu.

Women are underrepresented in science coverage

Two UF scientists share insight on how to have your voice heard

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, University of Florida epidemiologist Natalie Dean has lent her expertise to national and international news coverage countless times. But she continues to see women scientists underrepresented in the media, so she tweeted an appeal to female colleagues.

“I would really encourage women in our field to talk to the media more if you are able, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable,” she wrote. “Your insights are valuable.”

UF News asked Dean and fellow UF professor Michelle Cardel to share what they’ve learned along the way that could be helpful to those interested in diversifying conversations in the news and on social media. Read what they had to say in this article and view the video below to learn more.