Introducing a new Employee Handbook for UF TEAMS/USPS staff

UFHR is proud to announce the adoption of a new TEAMS/USPS Employee Handbook. Anyone familiar with the old handbook may agree that it was — how can we put this nicely? — high time for an upgrade.

Led by the Employee Relations team, UFHR made every attempt to create a new handbook that will be a helpful tool for onboarding new employees and a useful reference for supervisors when they need to coach employees on general performance and conduct expectations. A workgroup of about a dozen individuals from within and outside UFHR reviewed handbooks from other institutions of higher education and the private sector.

“What we did not want was a slightly updated version of the same thing or a regurgitation of UF regulations, policies and benefits. That information is already available online,” said Maureen De Armond, assistant vice president for Human Resources. “We also wanted to take a drastic departure from the dated idea that a handbook should be a long list of actions that will get an employee in trouble. That type of approach would be rather insulting to the overwhelming majority of TEAMS/USPS employees who are extremely dedicated and have a strong grasp of appropriate work behavior.”

Instead, the workgroup sought to reinforce the friendly and welcoming environment UF wants to foster.

Image of the cover and internal pages of the employee handbook

“Our hope is that our wonderful TEAMS and USPS employees will find the new handbook inviting and engaging. We — and this is not a joke — actually think employees will enjoy reading it,” said De Armond. “We also hope that new employees, and even people looking to UF for future employment, will see the handbook as a positive reflection of the positive work culture we strive maintain at this premier institution.”

Current staff as well as faculty supervisors are invited and encouraged to take a look at the new handbook and to share their feedback. Email with “Employee Handbook” in the subject line. Please tell us what you think!

A digital copy of the handbook will be emailed to all TEAMS and USPS employees and may be found on the UFHR website. If you would like your own hard copy, email with “Employee Handbook” in the subject line.