UF All Access course materials program provides first-day access to all course materials

UF’s All Access textbook program continues to expand for spring 2019, with more than 160 courses participating across the university. The program saved students almost $5 million dollars in the fall 2018 semester when comparing the cost of materials through the program to the purchase price of a new book or access code, and more than 20,000 students participated.

Students who choose digital textbooks through UF All Access will get their materials immediately, providing them with the correct materials on the first day of class and savings of 50 percent or more over print books. A link on the course’s website takes students to the appropriate place online to purchase the book directly from the publisher at a discounted rate negotiated by UF and the UF Bookstore. The program is open to any UF faculty member who wishes to participate. Materials will be available through Friday, Feb. 1, 2019.

To be added to the program, faculty members should email allaccess@bsd.ufl.edu after selecting the preferred learning materials for their course. The All Access team will provide templates for textbook adoption and instructions for the course website, and will explain how students can opt in to the program. The team will also provide information about savings to students.