Wellness Wednesdays can help you find wellness at work and beyond

worklifeLast month, Dr. Gizem Toska once again joined the Wellness Wednesday program, this time to speak about how to find a work-life balance that works for each of us. Here are five suggestions she recommended to explore.  To learn more, view Dr. Toska’s full presentation by clicking on the image at right.

  1. Try a new perspective. Consider the term itself—work-life balance. Business psychologist and therapist Douglas LaBier suggests, “you can never balance work and life…because both work and life are on the same side of the scale—your outer life. The true scale is between your outer life and your inner life.” Consider a balance between outer life and inner life, between action and being. Try to intentionally seek daily achievement AND enjoyment in four life quadrants: work, family, friends and self.
  2. Strengthen your true self. Explore who you truly are beyond all of the roles you play (e.g., parent, partner, co-worker, sibling). Take the time to attend to your inner life and reflect on what gets in the way of taking this time when needed.
  3. Know yourself. Examine your boundaries (mental, emotional and physical) and how you manage these boundaries. Where does your time go? Track it for two or three days. Then take an honest look at where your time goes and how your time allocation aligns with your values.
  4. Engage in intentional self-care. What does this look like for you? How can you strengthen your current self-care practices? Play to your strengths. Acknowledge when you are engaging in self-care. Be realistic and individualized.
  5. Be a gardener. Do something small and meaningful for daily upkeep of yourself. Consider external factors and be flexible. Trust the process, step by step.

ergonomicsIn August’s Wellness Wednesday, Todd Morrone, risk management coordinator for UF Environmental Health & Safety, presented Applying Ergonomic Principles at Your Workstation. Click on the following link to view a recording of Morrone’s presentation and learn tips for taking care of your body throughout your workday.

To view the slides from this program, please click here. To find additional resources, as well as contact information for Morrone, visit http://www.ehs.ufl.edu/programs/hazard_ergo/ergo/.

Upcoming Wellness Wednesdays

Bring your lunch to the UF HR Building (903 West University Ave.) the first Wednesday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. for presentations on a range of wellness topics provided by UF and UF Health experts.To register for any of the following sessions, click on “Register Now” next to the session’s date to register online via myTraining.

If you are unable to make it in person, you can join online by streaming the event. To receive regular Wellness updates, including Mediasite links for the online events, sign up for the UF-UF Health Wellness listserv by emailing hrs-wellness@ufl.edu.

September 7
uf sustainabilityUF Sustainability: How to Go Green at Work

Did you know that the campus energy bill is nearly $40 million each year and campus produces more than 30 million pounds of waste and recycling annually? The Office of Sustainability implements programs and processes to reduce UF’s energy and water consumption, shrink our carbon footprint, reduce landfill waste, and empower individuals to adopt sustainable habits on campus and at home. Learn about the innovative programs specifically designed for faculty and staff, such as the departmental bike share program, the Neutral UF Coalition, sustainable office and event certification programs, the Prairie Project initiative, and more.

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October 5
Raising a Healthy Eater
Linda Bobroff, Professor, UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences

Feeding young children can be a delight and/or a source of anxiety, guilt, and frustration. This session will focus on what parents and caregivers can do to increase the odds that feeding children will be a positive experience and support their healthy development. We will explore the Division of Responsibility in feeding, developed by Ellyn Satter, RD, MS, MSW, internationally known authority on child nutrition and feeding. This approach promotes positive attitudes about food, appropriate self-regulation of food intake, and pleasant mealtimes for all.

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 November 2
A Consumer’s Guide to Probiotics and Health Benefits
Wendy Dahl, PhD, Associate Professor, UF/IFAS Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
With so many brands of probiotics available and each containing its unique mix of organisms, choosing which to use can be challenge.  This presentation will highlight the current evidence on the effectiveness of select probiotics for common conditions, such as constipation, IBS and type 2 diabetes, and provide tips for choosing the right probiotics for you.

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