Do you know someone who needs a holiday meal?

Are you or is someone you know in need of a holiday meal this December? The Hitchcock Field & Fork Pantry is distributing turkey dinners to UF families in need of extra support this holiday season. Please email for more information. These dinners are available on a first-come, first-served basis with a limited time window, so please contact the Pantry as soon as possible.

Gatorsgiving theme meal event served up more than just food

At the recent Gatorsgiving theme meal event held at Gator Corner Dining Center, students were provided an opportunity to donate either $5 or $10 from their meal plan accounts to the Pantry. More than half of the evening’s diners — almost 200 students — donated during the three-hour event to raise $1,530. Gator Dining also donated more than $5,000 in non-perishable food and snacks to the pantry.

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