Category: Learn and Grow

Connected by UF Conference aims to “Keep it Real”

French Fries Art Abstract

On May 11 and 12, 2021, UF will host an inaugural event designed to help multiple UF communities connect via peer-to-peer professional development. Sponsored by Gator Business Administrator Services (GBAS), Connected by UF, or CxUF, will provide UF business and research administrators as well as UF leaders opportunities to connect, learn and share best practices. Over the course […]

Two ways to explore Spring 2021 training opportunities


UF Training & Organizational Development recently released its Spring 2021 schedule of courses. In addition to exploring courses thematically via the UFHR Learn & Grow website, you can now visit the new digital training calendar to view upcoming trainings scheduled throughout the month at-a-glance. Search within the calendar for specific certificate program courses by entering […]

EEP deadlines approaching for spring semester

Man studying

The UF Employee Education Program (EEP) is a university-funded benefit designed to provide full- time TEAMS, Academic Personnel and USPS employees who have been employed for at least six months with tuition assistance for up to six credit hours of eligible college-level courses per semester. UF faculty and staff who wish to take college courses […]

“Conversation about the First Amendment” recording available

Rosenbury, Calvert, Sandoval-Palos

On Oct. 30, the UF Faculty Senate hosted a “Conversation about the First Amendment” moderated by UF Law School Dean Laura Ann Rosenbury and featuring First Amendment experts Clay Calvert and Ricardo Sandoval-Palos. Calvert is a professor of law, Brechner Eminent Scholar in Mass Communication and director of UF’s Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project. Ricardo Sandoval-Palos is the […]

Strategic Communications Academy celebrates fourth cohort and looks ahead to 2021

sca logo on white background

When the provost announced that all university classes would be moved online for Spring 2020, the Strategic Communication Academy training team knew the mandate included all leadership workshops as well. In times of uncertainty, it can be healthy to take action on the things you can control. The SCA team quickly moved the course online […]

Higher Education Opportunity deadline extended to Nov. 16

HEO deadline extended

UF’s Higher Education Opportunity (HEO) provides children of full-time TEAMS employees with the opportunity of tuition assistance for an undergraduate education at the University of Florida. In spring 2021, UFHR will select — at random from a pool of eligible HEO applicants — 150 TEAMS employees to participate in this program. Each eligible employee may […]

New toolkit offers a wealth of resources designed to support leadership, team and personal excellence

UF Training & Organizational Development (T&OD) recently announced the release of its new Teamwork & Collaboration toolkit.

Free UF 360 Degrees Mindfulness course resumes with resources available online

The UF Mindfulness team offers weekly free opportunities to reduce stress and connect with a community of mindfulness practitioners. Weekly workshops will resume beginning this Thursday, Jan. 9, in 408 Peabody Hall, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. All students, staff and faculty members also now have online access to the 360 Degrees Mindfulness Course Resources. To learn more about […]

Improvements to enterprise reporting include self-service

A new myUFL reporting and analytics tool with a modernized dashboard was recently implemented to better meet the expanded reporting and analytics needs at UF. UFIT team members will be reaching out to ‘Shared Folder’ and ‘myFolders’ owners to collaborate in migrating their existing content to the new platform. Existing ARS roles will function the […]

Help determine topics discussed and register to attend January’s Provost Gathering

On Jan. 10, 2020, the Office of the Provost will host a daylong event devoted to how UF faculty, researchers, academic staff and graduate students can help to build trust in research.

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