July 14, 2020
Town hall to discuss “Our Plan Forward” and fall semester
Last Friday, as UF announced plans for the fall semester, more than 21,000 faculty and staff, comprising 82% of all UF employees, had already been cleared to return or continue to have access to the workplace through UF Health Screen, Test & Protect. Of employees who have completed testing, 37 have tested positive, a 0.21% positive rate.
Today at 11 a.m., the Faculty Senate will host an online town hall during which UF leaders will answer questions submitted by UF faculty and staff about “Our Plan Forward” and the UF Campus Reopening Plan. Panelists will include President Kent Fuchs, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Charlie Lane, Provost Joe Glover, Vice President for Human Resources Jodi Gentry, and UF epidemiologists Nicole Iovine, Michael Lauzardo and Jerne Shapiro.
To join the town hall at 11 a.m., please visit https://ufl.zoom.us/j/93106860981.
Celebrating those who have provided steadfast service
UF Business Affairs created this short video clip to celebrate the efforts of our staff who have continued to provide essential services and ensure campus operations continue run smoothly. Many thanks to everyone who has worked hard to continue to provide outstanding service, safety, security and deliveries.
Upcoming webinars designed to help you navigate the evolving workplace
UF Training & Organizational Development is offering three webinars in the coming weeks that provide insight into new dynamics you may be experiencing at work and guidance in navigating them.
Setting Boundaries for Returning to Work
Wednesday, July 15, 1-2 p.m.
As we prepare to return to campus, there may be some new boundaries that we have to draw to feel comfortable in our new environment. This webinar is designed to help you identify, communicate, and enforce boundaries in a professional setting.
Is Stress Your Friend?
Wednesday, July 22, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Many of us experience stress in our lives. Even though stress can be extremely unpleasant it can be managed. In this webinar we will explore the body’s reaction to stress and discuss strategies to change your body’s response to stress so you can boost your well-being and productivity.
Can You Hear Me Now? Using Streaming Video & Web Conferencing to Enhance Engagement
Wednesday, July 29, 11 a.m. to noon
In our ever-changing work environments, we are confronting new communication challenges that require new technological answers. “Can You Hear Me Now,” presented in association with UF IT’s Video & Collaboration Services, will present you with a basic walkthrough of two streaming communication tools: Mediasite and Zoom. Learn how to engage your team using video technology in this webinar.
Need something from the libraries? Book your appointment today!
During Summer B, July 6 through Aug. 21, the George A. Smathers Libraries are offering all UF-affiliated patrons by-appointment pick-up service for book holds. Pick-up locations are located at Library West and the Health Science Center Libraries.
Learn more about the program and request items via the Libraries website.