Faculty and Staff Climate Survey results to be released in June
Designed to help determine how well the university fosters an overall sense of belonging for its faculty and staff, the UF Faculty and Staff Climate Survey was available for completion from Oct. 27 through Nov. 27 of 2015.
The overall response rate for the survey was 36 percent. In June, a representative from Rankin & Associates — the consulting firm engaged to coordinate the survey — will be on campus to discuss high-level summaries of the findings from a university-wide perspective. A report of these findings also will be available on the survey website once it is provided to UF in June.
Town hall meetings with Rankin & Associates will be held first in June and then again in September for those who are not on campus over the summer. No registration is needed to attend.
- June 14, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., Deweese Auditorium, McKnight Brain Institute
- June 14, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m., Pugh Hall Ocora
To tune in online to watch this meeting live, please visit the following link on the day of the event:
- September 29, 8:30 to 10:00 a.m., J. Wayne Reitz Union Chamber
- September 29, 10:30 a.m. to noon, J. Wayne Reitz Union Chamber
Starting in late June through early fall, faculty and staff forums moderated by members of UF’s Climate Study Work Group and the President’s Council on Diversity will also provide the campus community with opportunities to review and discuss the results, to share their thoughts on the results most salient to them, and to begin to brainstorm action items and next steps.
Faculty and staff may save a spot to attend one of these sessions by clicking on the registration link in the table below, or they are welcome to stop by to participate:
June 20 | 9 to 11 a.m. | Straughn Professional Development Center | Reserve Now |
August 11 | 9 to 11 a.m. | JWRU Rion Ballroom | Reserve Now |
August 16 | 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. | Room 120, HRS Building (video-streamed via Mediasite with an opportunity to participate electronically) | Reserve Now |
September 13 | 10 a.m. to noon | JWRU Rion Ballroom | Reserve Now |
October 10 | 3 to 5 p.m. | JWRU Rion Ballroom | Reserve Now |
Based on the survey results and these discussions, the UF Climate Study Work Group expects to identify specific action items that can be accomplished in the next year. To learn more, please visit the Climate Survey section of the Office of the President’s website.