Free, secure media disposal at the Hub

Did you know that UFIT offers secure media disposal for students, faculty and staff? Anyone who needs to discard electronic media, including cell phones, external hard drives, camera memory cards, CDs and flash drives, can bring them to the UF Computing Help Desk (HUB Room 132, 1765 Stadium Road) for disposal.

Throwing media storage devices, such as an ancient cellphone, in the trash makes you vulnerable; stored photos can provide enough information to cause a lot of problems, such as identity theft and financial losses. So be sure to protect yourself.

Just bring your unneeded digital storage items and devices to the Help Desk, where they will be shredded on-site in a secure, environmentally friendly way. Metal from discarded media and devices is recycled.

Visit for more information, including the Help Desk’s business hours and a complete list of which items are accepted.