New external email banners in UF emails

Beginning Sept. 11, a banner will be added to all emails originating from outside University of Florida email systems. The banner serves as an extra layer of awareness for faculty, staff and students to be cautious when opening external emails and attachments. The banner will appear above the body text of all external emails and will say:

“EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution with links and attachments.”

UFIT is preemptively approving incoming mail from organizations with established business relationships supporting the academic, research and health/outreach mission of the university. Additional exemptions for official business email will be considered. Please see the instructions below for requesting an exemption.

Anyone with questions about the external email banner or how to request an exemption may contact the UF Computing Help Desk at (352) 392-HELP (4357) or, or by visiting Hub 132.

How to request an external email banner exemption

  1. Submit a myIT ticket ( with the subject: “External Email Banner Exemption Request”
  2. In the body of the myIT request, please provide:
    • The reason why the exemption is necessary to conduct university business
    • The sender’s address and sending IP (or IP range), and/or server domain
    • The recipient listserv (if applicable), custom email header or consistent subject line text

After receiving and reviewing the myIT request, a member of UFIT’s technical group will follow up with the requestor.