Two-factor authentication option available to UF faculty and staff beginning this April

In an effort to further protect its faculty, staff and affiliates from phishing and other cybersecurity attacks, the University of Florida is introducing a two-factor authentication process for UF login (Gatorlink) accounts. Due to the recent increase in attempted account compromises, this security measure is designed to help safeguard personal information as well as employees’ work.

Beginning this April, faculty and staff will be able to enroll in the new two-factor service, commercially known as “Duo.” Two-factor authentication will provide an added layer of security to supplement the Gatorlink username and password authentication process that you are already accustomed to using to log in to UF networks. After logging in using your Gatorlink username and password as you always have, you will be asked to provide an additional verification. Most people will find it convenient to download the Duo app, which can be added to your smartphone, although other options of authentication will also be available.

The two-factor authentication process for UF will look familiar to anyone who has used similar methods to access their bank accounts, retirement accounts or other secure online environments.  Faculty and staff are encouraged to further secure their personal and professional information when the two-factor service becomes available in April.

Watch for additional details about two-factor authentication in the months to come.  Questions or concerns in the meantime? Contact your department’s IT professional staff, the UF Computing Help Desk at (352) 392-HELP or or the UF Health Computing Help Desk at (352) 265-0526.