Couch to 5K program kicks off March 21
Are you thinking of trying out a running plan, but don’t know how or where to start? Or maybe you have tried running before, but struggled with burnout or boredom. Get the support and resources to complete a 5K this spring with the Get Up and Go! Couch to 5K eight-week training program. Assistance is available, from the training process to getting you to the finish line. Participants will get help with training plans, receive fun and informational weekly emails, join in motivational get-togethers, and experience a system of accountability and support.
The program will begin Monday, March 21, and the suggested race, the 3rd Annual May Glow Run at Town of Tioga, will be on Saturday, May 14. There is no cost for this program, but participants will be expected to cover the cost of their race fees, which run $20-30. Participants in the Get up and Go! Couch to 5k program are encouraged, but not required, to participate in the May 14 race.
Register for the Get Up and Go! Couch to 5k today!
Email for more information and with any questions.