Category: Benefits

Holiday leave cash-out period runs Oct. 28 – Nov. 7 

Each year, full-time UF TEAMS employees are eligible to cash out up to 16 hours of vacation leave before the holiday season, provided a minimum of 40 hours remains on balance. This year’s leave cash-out period runs from Monday, Oct. 28, through Thursday, Nov. 7.

Have you made your benefits elections? Open enrollment ends Nov. 1

This is your opportunity to add, change or remove benefit plans should you wish to do so for the next plan year.

Demystifying Disability Insurance 

During the 2025 Open Enrollment period, you have a special, one-time opportunity to elect coverage without having to disclose health or medical history.

Are you considering life insurance? 

During the 2025 Open Enrollment period, you have a special, one-time opportunity to elect coverage in the UFSelect plan for yourself, up to $300,000, and for your spouse, up to $50,000, without having to answer any questions about your health or medical history.  

Benefits Open Enrollment runs Oct. 14–Nov. 1 

Open Enrollment for 2025 benefits will take place Oct. 14 through Nov. 1. UF’s annual Open Enrollment period is your opportunity to add, change or remove benefits enrollment elections for the next plan year. Elections made during this period will take effect on Jan. 1, 2025. 

Leave reporting after Hurricane Milton

Due to Hurricane Milton, the University of Florida closed on Wednesday, Oct. 9, and Thursday, Oct. 10. Administrative leave was granted to eligible employees who were scheduled to work during this time. Anyone who was on pre-approved leave will remain on such leave and will not be eligible to receive administrative leave.

HEO program applications due Nov. 1

The University of Florida’s Higher Education Opportunity (HEO) scholarship provides children of full-time TEAMS employees with tuition assistance for an undergraduate education. This program covers up to 132 hours towards an undergraduate degree at the University of Florida or a Florida public college.

Each eligible employee may submit one child’s name into the drawing. To be considered for this benefit, the TEAMS employee must apply for the HEO scholarship by Nov. 1, 2024. Visit the Higher Education Opportunity for additional drawing requirements for participation.

Sign up for a weight or diabetes management program

The State of Florida’s Department of Management Services will accept applications for the weight and diabetes management programs Oct. 28⁠–Nov. 17.

Save the date for the 2024 Benefits & Wellness Fair!

Join us on Oct. 11 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Evans Champions Club at the Ben Hill Griffin Stadium to learn about health and wellness resources available to UF faculty and staff. Get your benefits questions answered and enter for a chance to win a giveaway from one of our sponsors! 

Benefits open enrollment begins Oct. 14 and runs through Nov. 1. Open enrollment is your opportunity to add, change or remove benefit selections for the next plan year. Make sure your email and mailing addresses are up-to-date in ONE.UF and People First to avoid missing important communications.

Leave reporting after Hurricane Helene 

Due to Hurricane Helene, the University of Florida closed on Thursday, Sept. 26, and Friday, Sept. 27. Administrative leave was granted to eligible employees who were scheduled to work during this time.

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