Category: COVID-19
UF Health researcher answers questions about COVID-19 vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by pharmaceutical giants Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna build on a decade’s worth of research into the genetic underpinnings of immunity, using an artificial piece of the coronavirus’ genetic instructions to help the body protect itself. Kartik Cherabuddi, M.D., associate professor in the UF College of Medicine’s Division of Infectious Diseases and Global […]
First COVID-19 vaccinations administered at UF Health Shands

UF Health Associate Vice President Dr. J. Adrian Tyndall and Samuel Overly, R.N., were the first two healthcare workers to be vaccinated at UF Health Shands in Gainesville Wednesday morning. Tyndall, pictured at left receiving his vaccine, shared via Twitter his heartfelt thoughts yesterday morning. “I have known, personally, many who have died, and more who are recovering from […]
Looking ahead to spring while reflecting on a challenging fall semester

Throughout the fall semester, universities nationwide have struggled to meet the needs of their students while working to protect the health and wellbeing of their communities. Many faculty and staff in higher education throughout the country have expressed their frustrations through open letters and protests. Graduate student employees have also expressed frustration. At the University […]
Conversations with Mike Lauzardo address faculty questions, concerns

Over the last two weeks, faculty who will be teaching during the spring semester have been meeting in small groups for a series of conversations with UF Health Screen, Test & Protect Director Dr. Michael Lauzardo. These sessions will continue to be held through the rest of this week and again in early January. While the conversations […]
UF Health Jacksonville among first to receive COVID-19 vaccine

Yesterday, UF Health Jacksonville received a shipment of vaccine doses, with more expected in the coming days and weeks. The vaccine is being administered for free to the first groups of select UF Health faculty and staff based on the criteria the CDC has established, starting with front-line health care workers and staff deemed high […]
N95 masks available to faculty and staff with sustained face-to-face contact

In preparation for the spring semester, UF has provided to departments another distribution of N95 masks to be used by faculty and staff who have sustained face-to-face contact with students or the public. Colleges and administrative units were allocated N95 masks based upon the number of face-to-face course sections that will be taught in the […]
More faculty Conversations with Mike Lauzardo this week

There are still a few spaces available in the remaining sessions of our “Conversations with Mike Lauzardo” series. These sessions are open to any faculty who will be teaching in the spring. Can’t make it to a session? Watch for a summary of commonly asked questions and answers to be posted early in January. Sign […]
Do you have plans to travel during the break?

If you are planning on traveling over the winter holiday break, you are encouraged to complete a screening and schedule a saliva test at no cost to you both before you leave and when you return. Regular testing will be available through Dec. 22 and resume on Jan. 4. Some limited testing appointments also will […]
EPI COVID-19 Vaccine Seminar Series kicks off Dec. 2

As we move toward a time when COVID-19 vaccines will be available to increasingly large numbers of individuals here in the United States, UF’s Emerging Pathogens Institute will be presenting a series of seminars about the overall COVID-19 vaccine development and testing program, and about individual vaccines. The first of these seminars will be presented […]
Town hall discussion addressed plans for spring semester

Last week, Gator Business Administrator Services hosted a town hall featuring Nicole Iovine and Michael Lauzardo of UF Health, along with Chris Hass of the UF Provost’s Office, for a discussion about plans for the spring semester and their impact on UF staff. You can view the recording by clicking on the image below. View […]
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