Category: Financial Updates
Florida Prepaid open enrollment is underway
Open enrollment for the Florida Prepaid College Plan is underway and continues through April 30, 2019.
Financial transparency portals make budget, expenditures information more accessible
With support from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, the University Faculty Senate Budget Council has been working to make financial information regarding college and support unit budgets and expenditures more accessible to UF faculty, staff and the public.
Reflections on Retirement: Tools to make sense of it all

For part three of our “Reflections on Retirement” series, we’re sharing helpful tools and resources that shed light on the different facets of planning for retirement.
Reflections on Retirement: Filling the gap with voluntary plans to help you meet your retirement goals

For Lisa Hodges, who retired this summer after many years as UFHR’s assistant director for Benefits, retiring before the age of 55 meant shifting some of her resources into a 457 plan, which would allow her to access funds prior to age 55 without a penalty.
Reflections on Retirement: Advice from UF retirees about how they prepared

Over the next few months, UF at Work will be featuring a four-part series about retirement. For the first part, we spoke with UF retirees to gain their insights on preparing.
New IRS publication requires employee expenses be submitted within 60 days for reimbursement

Beginning July 1, UF is standardizing the expense reimbursement process to address the timeliness of reimbursements and match the requirements detailed by IRS Publication 463 for all employee reimbursements.
Financial and HR reminders for the closing of the fiscal year
During the month of June, departments throughout campus are preparing for the fiscal year closing.
Thinking about retirement? FLARE illuminates the journey to financial security
FLARE offers retirement resources, such as retirement and education planning courses, to help UF employees find the balance between making ends meet today and a comfortable future.
Decrease in sales tax for real property rentals, effective Jan. 1
Effective Jan. 1, the state sales tax rate imposed under section 212.031, Florida Statutes, on the total rent charged for renting, leasing, letting or granting a license to use real property will decrease from 6.0 percent to 5.8 percent.
Social Security taxable wage base revised for 2018
The 2018 Social Security wage base increases to $128,400 (up $1,200 from the 2017 wage base).
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