Category: Research

UF/IFAS researchers creating an AI connoisseur

UF/IFAS breeder and geneticist Marcio Resende, Ph.D., wants to create what he calls an “Artificial Intelligence Connoisseur,” a model that tells researchers which chemical compounds produce the best fruit flavors. 

Register for the Creating Healthy Communities conference

Presented by the UF Center for Arts in Medicine, the Creating Healthy Communities conference will engage people working in and thinking about the intersections of the arts, public health and community development.

Helping communities of color tell their own stories

The Narrative Justice Project, launched by the Wakeman Agency in partnership with the UF College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC), empowers communities of color to tell their stories in a way that accurately reflect their lives.  

Researchers and industry tackle climate change and the future of food

How do you grow enough food to help billions more people get the nutritious food they need while mitigating carbon emissions that contribute to climate change?

UF/IFAS introduces new ways to engage with your favorite information

The EDIS/Ask IFAS website features a wealth of research-based information about agriculture, natural resources, family and consumer sciences, and youth development. 

UF research spending at record $960 million in 2021

UF faculty conducted a record $960 million in research during fiscal year 2021, according to data submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Are you interested in reproductive, maternal, newborn or child/offspring health?

A team of researchers in the College of Medicine are aiming to expand reproductive, maternal, newborn and child/offspring health research

Collaborative teams invited to apply for international travel support

The UF International Center’s Collaborative Faculty Team Projects program offers travel support to collaborative teams of faculty who wish to develop new and innovative international partnerships for research, service learning and study abroad.

Largest collaboration in history of biology nears milestone

Dubbed the BioGenome Project, researchers on every continent except Antarctica banded together in late 2018 to sequence the genomes of all 1.8 million known species of plants, animals, fungi and other eukaryotic life on Earth within a ten-year timeframe.

Florida Museum distinguished professors Pamela and Douglas Soltis have been collaborators on the project since its inception and recently co-authored several articles in a special issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

EPI Research Day registration and abstract submission deadline is Feb. 9

The Emerging Pathogens Institute invites those interested to EPI’s Research Day on Thursday, Feb. 10.

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