Preparing for upcoming UF holidays and time off
Though the summer-like temperatures are no indication, the holidays are just around the corner.
Homecoming is UF’s first holiday of the season and will be held Friday, Nov. 2. Details about the homecoming game on Saturday, Nov. 3, against the University of Missouri can be found here, and Gator Growl information can be found here.
UFHR wants to be sure you know about all upcoming fall and winter holidays so you can begin preparing for – and looking forward to – your time off.
Upcoming UF holidays
UF Homecoming – Friday, Nov. 2
Veterans Day – Monday, Nov. 12
Thanksgiving – Thursday, Nov. 22, and Friday, Nov. 23
Christmas – Tuesday, Dec. 25
As a reminder: Leave-accruing TEAMS, Academic Personnel and USPS employees are eligible for 10 paid holidays each year. Although Dec. 24 is not a holiday, employees may use vacation leave that day with the permission of their supervisor. Units may also choose to close with the approval of the appropriate dean or vice president. Learn more.
Holiday closing period
Non-essential TEAMS and Academic Personnel are also eligible for four personal leave days per year (32 hours assuming full-time status) to be used during the period of Dec. 26 to 31. Personal leave days are intended to enable units to close during this period if possible, though certain units will need to remain open.
Employees who will be required to work during the Dec. 26—31 period due to the nature of their job are considered “essential” and may use their personal leave days in any increment (at their department’s discretion) from Dec. 2, 2018, through June 30, 2019.
USPS employees are not eligible for the four personal leave days in December and may be required to use vacation or accrued compensatory leave during the holiday closing period if their department is closed. Learn more.
Departments with OPS staff may adjust work schedules either before or after the holiday break to allow OPS staff to make up work time as needed if units are closed.
Be sure to speak with your supervisor about any anticipated time off you are planning and to learn about needed coverage around the holidays for your unit. You can also learn more at and contact UFHR Benefits with any questions.