Category: COVID-19
ADA accommodations provided to support faculty needs

Over the last several weeks, UF’s Office for Accessibility and Gender Equity has worked with UF Health and UFHR to provide employee accommodations as we prepare to offer more face-to-face classes in the spring. To date, a medical review team consisting of UF Health medical professionals, epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists has reviewed 181 faculty […]
UF GatorPerks discount at Office Depot includes vetted PPE

Through the GatorPerks program, UF faculty and staff receive competitive pricing for personal purchases at Office Depot — including KN95 masks, face shields, touchless thermometers, hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes, among other products and services. Office Depot recently performed a comprehensive manufacturer review to ensure its products have complied with legal, financial and quality requirements, […]
Saliva tests make getting checked for COVID easier

Last month, UF Health Screen, Test & Protect introduced saliva testing to replace the uncomfortable nasal swab test you may have undergone over the summer. Both UF Health’s Pathology Laboratories and researchers outside of UF have validated the method as being as accurate and sensitive as nasal swabs. UF faculty, staff and students now receive […]
Looking ahead to spring semester: A town hall especially for UF staff

UF Gator Business Administrator Services (GBAS) and UF Research’s MainSpring initiative will host a town hall for staff next Thursday, Oct. 29, from 3 to 4 p.m. via Zoom. While the session is designed to help ensure business and researcher administrators have the latest information and facts, all staff are invited to attend to learn […]
October 15, 2020

UF research team studying pandemic’s effects on children and households While many experts are focused on identifying COVID-19 cases and slowing transmission, one UF research team is focused on the pandemic’s fallout on children and households. UF researchers affiliated with UF’s colleges of Public Health and Health Professions, Medicine and Education are analyzing the social effects of the pandemic on local school-aged children and their […]
October 13, 2020

Benefits Open Enrollment runs Oct. 19 through Nov. 6 UF’s annual Open Enrollment period is your opportunity to add, change or remove benefits enrollment elections for the next plan year. Elections made during this period will take effect on Jan. 1, 2021. This is your only chance to make changes to your benefits each year […]
October 7, 2020

UF prepares for more face-to-face offerings this spring In a Faculty Senate Town Hall held yesterday afternoon, Provost Joe Glover and Vice President Jodi Gentry discussed the university’s return to a more robust set of face-to-face course offerings during the Spring 2021 semester. Based on the university’s investment into the mechanisms to prevent transmission of COVID-19 and under the ongoing […]
October 1, 2020

Explore your benefits throughout the month of October In anticipation of this year’s Benefits Open Enrollment period, slated for Oct. 19 through Nov. 6, we’ve revamped our Benefits website to provide more information to help you prepare for this year’s Open Enrollment and to dive deeper into all UF has to offer. In addition, in lieu […]
September 28, 2020

Schedule your flu shot appointment through SHCC portal While a flu shot will not protect against COVID-19, it can play an important role in keeping you, your family and your friends healthy. To make this year’s process as easy and convenient as possible while allowing for physical distancing, the UF Student Health Care Center has established […]
September 24, 2020

Some tips and reminders for this year’s election season On National Voter Registration Day this past Tuesday, UF’s Student Government announced it had partnered with the Gator Get Out the Vote Coalition and the Bob Graham Center as one of more than 75 colleges and universities working to register potential voters through the TurboVote system. Floridians […]
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