On-campus walk-up testing coming soon, wastewater testing locations added

Beginning Sept. 20, UF faculty, staff and students will have access to walk-up COVID-19 testing via Gate 7 of the Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. The testing location will be open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2 to 6 p.m. Parking in the O’Connell Center lot is available until 3:30 with an Orange decal, and parking restrictions are lifted after that time.
For more information on screening and testing at UF, please visit https://coronavirus.ufhealth.org/screen-test-protect-2/how/screen/.
GatorWATCH — a program that monitors wastewater from UF residence halls, campus apartment complexes and fraternity/sorority houses — recently expanded to include four additional residences, resulting in 32 wastewater testing locations on campus. Run by a team of public health, microbiology and environmental toxicology experts working in partnership with medical and facilities personnel, GatorWATCH — which stands for Wastewater Analysis and Tracking for Community Health —alerts the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect team when the virus is detected.
Learn more about how GatorWATCH works at: https://news.ufl.edu/2020/09/wastewater/.