Hurricane resources for faculty and staff

Hurricane season is upon us, and as we welcome new faculty and staff to UF — and perhaps Florida — we wanted to remind you of helpful resources available to support you in case of a tropical storm. We encourage everyone to become familiarized with the university’s emergency plans and take the necessary precautions in advance of the forecast.  

UF Alert

UF’s key method of communicating with UF faculty, staff and students in emergency situations is the UF Alert system. You can ensure your location and emergency contact settings are up-to-date in the myUFL system so you receive UF Alerts. To make sure your information is current, so you stay current on emergency notifications, log in to ONE.UF and click edit next to “Emergency Contact” to customize the UF Alert notifications you receive. 


Anyone, including family members, may elect to receive UF Alerts for the Gainesville campus by downloading the GatorSafe app onto their mobile device. The app helps users make emergency calls, receive UF alerts and perform other functions that improve their personal safety and security. 

In addition to UF’s Emergency Weather Updates website, you can follow UF’s Twitter and Facebook accounts for news and updates.  

You can also monitor the @UF Public Safety Twitter feed, and the Florida Public Radio Emergency Network offers a free Florida Storms app to stay informed about potential weather and other hazards. 

UF’s Emergency Management website provides a wealth of hurricane preparedness information and resources, including hurricane tracking. 

Frequently monitor local media (WRUF-TV [Cox Cable Channel 6], 89.1 FM, 103.7 FM and 850 AM) for storm updates and information from local officials. 

Information will be updated daily on UF’s Rumor Control Line: 1-866-UF-FACTS (866-833-2287). 

Live local coverage from the UF Weather Center is available at Statewide information from the Florida Public Radio Emergency Network is available on the mobile app Florida Storms. Updates will also be available via the Florida Storms’ Twitter and Facebook page. 

The IFAS Disaster Preparation & Recovery website provides you with information on how you can protect yourself, your loved one and your property. 


  • Ensure your storm supply kit is stocked — instructions on how to build a kit may be found on the Emergency Management website. 
  • Fuel your vehicle. 
  • Inform family and friends of the plan, especially if sheltering in a different location than usual. 
  • Remove or secure outside items such as potted plants, grills and lawn furniture. 


  • Stay indoors and do not travel during the storm. 
  • If winds become strong, stay away from doors and windows. Take refuge in an interior room, closet or hallway. 
  • Do NOT use candles, which can increase fire risk. 
  • Understand that emergency services and scheduled bus routes might not be able to respond or operate during the storm. 

Whether you are a seasoned expert in hurricane preparedness, or this is a new experience, we hope this information helps to keep you and your loved ones safe.