UF Academy, ALAP application deadline approaching

Faculty and staff are encouraged to apply for the 2021-2022 UF Academy and Advanced Leadership for Academics and Professionals (ALAP) programs by April 30. Applications for the Managers Cohort, which is offered as a supplemental program for those completing the Supervisory Challenge, will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

For the academic year 2021-2022, ALAP participants will meet in person. The UF Academy and Managers Cohort will offer a hybrid format that will use both a virtual and in-person approach.

Learn more about the programs below.

Advanced Leadership for Academics and Professionals

Developed in cooperation with UF’s Office of the Provost and Faculty Senate, the Advanced Leadership for Academics and Professionals (ALAP) program is intended for faculty and professionals in leadership positions as a way to support their ongoing development. The 2021-2022 schedule is available here. The ALAP program includes two tracks – one for academic leaders and the other for professionals (assistant director and above). Approximately 20 faculty and professionals (10 per track) are selected each year via a competitive application process. All interested staff and faculty may apply online.

For questions about the ALAP program, contact Bob Parks at rmparks@ufl.edu.

UF Academy

The UF Academy is a 9-month program for emerging leaders who are interested in learning more about UF’s structure, governance and culture. This program provides a unique, behind-the-scenes, view of our institution by immersing participants in the university culture and interviewing members of the President’s Cabinet about leadership development strategies and approaches. UF Academy is designed for exempt faculty and TEAMS professionals. TEAMS professionals must have a minimum of two years of supervisory or decision-making responsibilities at UF unless they are at assistant director or above. All interested staff and faculty may apply online.

For questions about the UF Academy program, contact Tricia Bachus at tbachus@ufl.edu.

Managers Cohort

The Managers Cohort is a unique opportunity to complete the “Managing at UF” certificate with a cohort of peers. The program is designed to provide participants with insight into the skills and behaviors needed to be effective leaders. Each month, at least one of the workshops from the “Managing at UF: The Supervisory Challenge” will be offered especially for this cohort. You must be a manager to participate. Managers who apply for the cohort option will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. To participate in the program, apply online.

For questions about the Managers Cohort program, contact Courtney Moon at courtney.moon@ufl.edu.