Category: COVID-19
The effects of COVID-19 vaccines on children

Sonja A. Rasmussen, M.D., M.S., UF professor of pediatrics and epidemiology, recently discussed the safety and effects of the COVID-19 vaccines for children 12 and older as well as the importance of getting vaccinated to prevent infection and possible long-term consequences. Looking for where you can get your child vaccinated? Locations throughout the state may be […]
Differences in COVID-19 severity internationally

Why are some countries in the grip of COVID-19 while others appear less affected? In a recent UF Health article, College of Veterinary Medicine Professor of infectious diseases Rhoel Dinglasan, Ph.D., M.P.H., discussed his research on COVID-19 severity internationally. Dinglasan suspects the answer is connected to people’s exposure to various infectious diseases in specific geographic […]
On-campus walk-up testing coming soon, wastewater testing locations added

Beginning Sept. 20, UF faculty, staff and students will have access to walk-up COVID-19 testing via Gate 7 of the Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. The testing location will be open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2 to 6 p.m. Parking in the O’Connell Center lot is available until 3:30 with an Orange decal, and parking restrictions are lifted after that time.
GatorWATCH — a program that monitors wastewater from UF residence halls, campus apartment complexes and fraternity/sorority houses — recently expanded to include four additional residences, resulting in 32 wastewater testing locations on campus. Run by a team of public health, microbiology and environmental toxicology experts working in partnership with medical and facilities personnel, GatorWATCH — which stands for Wastewater Analysis and Tracking for Community Health —alerts the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect team when the virus is detected.
Faculty and staff may now self-disclose vaccination status

In an effort to improve the efficiency of its processes, UF Health Screen, Test & Protect is now inviting faculty, staff and students to voluntarily submit vaccination documentation. Importantly, submitted documentation will not be shared with UF, but will be shared with the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) for its tracking purposes related to public health.
By voluntarily uploading their vaccination documentation, faculty, staff and students who complete a screening due to exposure to a positive case will no longer be automatically withheld from campus, provided they are not symptomatic.
Breast milk of mothers who received COVID-19 vaccine contains antibodies that fight illness

UF researchers found that breast milk of lactating mothers vaccinated against COVID-19 contains a significant supply of antibodies that may help protect nursing infants from the illness.
COVID vaccines available ahead of Florida Atlantic game

Through a collaborative effort between UF Health and the University Athletic Association, fans will have the opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccine before the Florida football team takes on Florida Atlantic at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 4.
A few resources for the fall semester

We are pleased to offer this biweekly UF at Work newsletter to provide you with information and resources to support you here at UF. Whether you are new to the university or a longtime member of our community, if there is anything the UFHR team can do to assist you, please email
Increasing COVID-19 vaccine confidence through the arts and culture

Last month, the CDC published two field guides aimed at helping public health professionals partner with artists, the arts and cultural organizations to increase COVID-19 vaccine confidence. UF Center for Arts in Medicine Director Dr. Jill Sonke, served as subject matter expert to the CDC Vaccine Confidence and Demand Team on the COVID-19 Vaccine Task […]
Understanding vaccine hesitancy

Center for Public Interest Communications Director Ann Christiano was recently interviewed by Central Florida’s NPR station 90.7 WMFE regarding vaccine hesitancy.
Further guidance on COVID-related leave and teaching

In collaboration with administrators throughout the university, UFHR has updated the Working Through COVID-19 webpage: Among the information provided is updated guidance on taking leave for COVID-19 related circumstances: As the semester progresses, we will continue to update this information as needed. A list of frequently asked questions relating to COVID regarding teaching, advising […]
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