Category: UF Focus

HEO provides children of TEAMS staff access to a college degree

graduating student

Few things in life can so drastically alter a child’s future like access to post-secondary education. Many families willingly go into debt in order to provide their child the opportunity to receive a college degree. The University of Florida intrinsically understands this and — in order to mitigate the economic impact that a child’s college […]

Weekend volunteers still needed to assist with UF commencement

graduating student

Earlier this month, President Fuchs reached out to UF faculty and staff, asking them to volunteer in one or more of the Spring 2021 commencement ceremonies. While many have stepped up and volunteered to assist, opportunities are still available to serve in the roles of marshals, a 4.5-hour time commitment, and check-In assistants, a 2.5-hour time […]

UF College of the Arts staff capture work-from-home life

Painting mural

How do you rebuild a sense of community and connection among colleagues after a year of social distancing? This is a question the Staff Council at the UF College of the Arts tackled as they began plans for their first staff retreat in more than a year. As the Council began brainstorming retreat ideas, however, […]

AI virtual conference provides new curriculum tools to K-12 teachers

Christina Gardner-McCune

A two-day virtual workshop organized by the AI4K12 Initiative helped education leaders from across the country create new K-12 artificial intelligence efforts in several states. The workshop sessions were co-facilitated by Associate Professor of Computer & Information Science & Engineering Dr. Christina Gardner-McCune and Executive Director of CSforALL Leigh Ann DeLyser. Leaders in computer science […]

More than 5,000 flock to Ben Hill Griffin Stadium for first day of major COVID-19 vaccination drive


An audacious push to vaccinate 20,000 people in Alachua County a week for six weeks got off to a roaring start Monday when more than 5,200 received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. On the first day anyone over age 16 in Florida became eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, […]

Support for our AAPI colleagues and students

Century Tower

Events throughout the past year have prompted a call to action to address discrimination and violence against Asian, Asian-American and Pacific Islanders in the United States. UF Human Resources joins our UF colleagues in raising our collective voice to condemn such acts of hatred and xenophobia. While I hope you will never have reason to […]

Moving forward at UF: Collision spaces and our need for proximity

Group of people walking

Five years ago, the University of Florida unveiled its Strategic Development Plan that would help shape the university’s and our surrounding community’s future over the next 40 to 50 years. One of the plan’s four initiatives, which reflect UF’s goal of maintaining its standing as a preeminent university and a leading institution, is informed by […]

Keep current to stay current

hand holding phone

Do you remember the last time you updated your contact information? Keep in mind the university periodically mails information such as tax documents, communications from benefits providers and more. To ensure you receive UF correspondence, be sure to double-check and update your contact information as needed via ONE.UF. To process your updates, login to your […]

Healing hands in conflict zones

Doctor performing a procedure

For decades, doctors have gone above and beyond their Hippocratic Oath, venturing into war-torn regions, conflict zones and developing countries around the world to bring lifesaving care to the most vulnerable patients. They work with colleagues on the ground under arduous conditions, bringing needed expertise and equipment to remote areas where disease and adverse health […]

Moving forward at UF: The new frontier for higher education

girl with fossils

On Jan. 13, 2020, D’Andra Mull, Ph.D., walked into Tigert Hall for her first day as UF’s new vice president for student affairs, unaware that just 16 days later she would be sitting down for her first meeting to address a pandemic that threatened to throw a massive wrench into any plans she had begun to […]

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