New inclusive hiring resources provide enhanced support

UF’s Core Value of Inclusion recognizes that excellence “is only possible by including people who bring diverse backgrounds and perspectives.”
The ways we attract, select and hire diverse talent while mitigating biases are actions that speak more loudly than words, which is why UFHR is introducing new inclusive hiring resources to provide faculty and staff with support and guidance at each stage of the hiring process — from posting a vacancy through the recruitment and review phases, interviewing and screening, and final selection. A new “Inclusive Hiring at UF” training course is also available to explore these topics in more detail.
For those who would like to dive deeper and pursue a credential in this area, UFHR has also introduced a new program featuring education on the topics of inclusion, diversity, equity and access in the workplace. To receive the credential, participants complete a total of 14 milestones that include trainings, activities and webinars whose objectives are to provide a foundation in seven core competencies. Participants can expect to devote approximately 20 hours and have one year in which to complete the program. Upon completion, they will receive a virtual “Inclusive Hiring Badge” that can be used to demonstrate their credential electronically in their email signature or LinkedIn profile, for example.
Leaders are encouraged to identify faculty and staff in their areas who would benefit from this credentialing process and be in a position to bring this expertise back to their department, college or unit to share for the benefit of all.
To learn more about these exiting new programs, visit the UFHR Inclusive Hiring Hub at If you have questions or would like more information, please reach out to UFHR Talent Acquisition and Onboarding at