College of Pharmacy takes strategic approach to ensuring a diverse and inclusive workforce
As the Human Resources Specialist for the College of Pharmacy Shared Services Center, Robert C. Stroh Jr. works with search committee members to find the best candidate for a position. The launch of the Inclusive Hiring Badge program was an ideal resource for Robert, as it provides him with the tools and resources needed to not only elevate the inclusive practices within a search, but to also be an advocate for the candidates.
We recently sat down with Robert to discuss his experience with the program and how he is incorporating its resources in his work.
What motivated you to participate in the Inclusive Hiring Badge program?
Being in Human Resources, it feels like we are the frontline in supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce. The Inclusive Hiring Badge Program has provided me with the training and tools I need to help me be a resource for our search committee members as well as an advocate for the candidates.
How will the program resources, such as the Inclusive Hiring Toolkit, elevate your department’s recruiting practices?
The College of Pharmacy currently employs what we feel are the gold standards in inclusive hiring practices. Our college wrote several specific items into our five-year strategic plan to support this effort. Having at our disposal additional tools provided by the program will only strengthen our commitment to an inclusive environment for current employees and new hires.
What are some inclusive hiring strategies your unit is considering implementing?
For our faculty search committees, we are requiring members to complete the Inclusive Hiring training course so they have foundational knowledge to promote these practices. We have identified Equity Advisors who will participate in faculty recruitment to evaluate the recruiting streams and the candidate pools. We have also implemented screening rubrics, anchored interview questions and evaluation tools to mitigate potential biases.
What program resources have you found most helpful and why?
I feel like one of the best resources has been the in-person trainings where multiple UF employees have come together to learn and share. The shared experience allows for collaboration and learning from one another. Additionally, it has been very encouraging to see the courses filling up so fast, because that means there are lots of folks participating.
What strategies will you use to help faculty and staff implement inclusive hiring practices in future searches?
All of the members of our Human Resources team are working on Inclusive Hiring Advisor credentials. We will participate in all TEAMS recruitments and will support the Equity advisors identified to participate in faculty searches. This means that nearly all recruitments will have at least one member focused solely on ensuring the recruitment reaches a diverse candidate base, biases are mitigated by using standardized evaluation tools, and the process is accessible and inclusive for all employee demographics.
Which of the core competencies did you find most valuable for your professional development?
I feel like I took the most away from the Self-Awareness core competency. It helped me recognize things I have done that I didn’t even realize I was doing. Particularly, the Recognizing and Addressing Implicit Bias course required me to take a deeper introspective look at myself. It’s amazing how much you can learn about yourself through these programs, even when you feel like you have been a strong advocate and ally.
To learn more about UFHR’s inclusive hiring resources and how you can participate in the Inclusive Hiring Badge program, visit the UFHR Inclusive Hiring Hub.