Category: COVID-19
September 22, 2020

Keeping you up-to-date on the latest information and resources Things have been moving quickly since the start of the fall semester — it’s easy to lose track. Here’s a quick summary of some of the latest developments and resources available to you as well as information you may wish to share with students in your area. […]
September 17, 2020

Weekly COVID-19 screening available beginning next Monday Starting next week, faculty, staff and students located at UF’s Gainesville campus will be invited to complete a weekly COVID-19 screening questionnaire and request testing through UF Health Screen, Test & Protect. Both employees and students will receive emails prompting them to complete a screening at the start of […]
September 14, 2020

Additional faculty and staff testing coming soon Last week, Dr. Michael Lauzardo released both a written message to the UF community as well as a video outlining how UF Health Screen, Test & Protect has and will continue to adjust to a predicted uptick in cases. If you missed them, you can read his message here […]
September 9, 2020

Learn about how UF is working to improve faculty and staff benefits and services This Thursday at 2 p.m., you’re invited to join an online town hall to learn more about how UF is elevating its suite of benefits offerings and services to better support the wellbeing of our faculty and staff and to be […]
September 2, 2020

University Town Hall to provide update, answer questions Join President Kent Fuchs and other senior leaders for a university-wide town hall today at 4 p.m. to learn more about how UF has prepared for the fall semester, why we are charting a different course than other universities, and what we all need to continue to keep […]
August 31, 2020

Join us for a University Town Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 2 UF faculty and staff are invited to join President Kent Fuchs and other senior leaders for a university-wide town hall on Wednesday, Sept. 2, from 4 to 5 p.m. Learn more about how UF has prepared for the fall semester, why we are charting a […]
August 26, 2020

Find the information you need at a glance We know you’ve probably received a lot of information from a variety of sources throughout UF about the workplace and the start of the fall semester. With students moving in and classes starting Aug. 31, we’ve put together this guide to help you find the information you need quickly […]
August 21, 2020

Revisiting available leave options and assistance With the introduction of the Emergency Family Medical Leave Extension Act (EFMLEA) last spring, employees throughout the country were provided additional leave benefits under the Family Medical Leave Act. Faculty and staff unable to telework and who were responsible for caring for children under the age of 18 whose school or daycare […]
August 19, 2020

Wondering about working remotely? As we continue our efforts to prepare for the fall semester, many faculty and staff are working onsite at UF as they have in the past, practicing physical distancing and wearing masks or face coverings, while others remain working from remote locations. The ability to work at a remote location has been […]
August 13, 2020

Updated guidance for cleaning and disinfection of common areas UF Health Screen, Test & Protect has provided updated guidance regarding best practices for cleaning and disinfecting labs, classrooms, common sitting areas, meal rooms and other community areas. Unless a person with known or suspected COVID-19 has been in the area, no additional cleaning or sanitization measures are recommended. […]
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